God May Be Younger Than We Are

Our children are the second chance of the human race.

They are the sign that “God may be younger than we are.” He may say, “let’s have another sunrise.” (G.K. Chesterton). He is not wearied by the world’s problems the way we are, groaning under the weight of our stupidity and hate.

He smiles out of the face of innocent, happy children saying, “Don’t you see? Aren’t you listening? This is how you must become to inherit the kingdom of heaven. This is how I made humans.”

I am always in awe of my daughter’s complete lack of awareness of the world’s problems. Her pure joy in the simple love between her and another human being (me, or her Daddy, or another friend she loves). Her laughter and dancing when she hears Irish Fiddling. The smile that looks too big for her face, completely disarming to every stranger that walks by.

Her warm reaching out and touching a little girl in a wheelchair, or giving a hug to a child who is shy and doesn’t reach out for words or hugs.

I sometimes get cranky, because I know better than she does, and Anneka reacts in various attempts to cheer me up. They always work and I hug her, feel like crying, and tell her that she’s my sunshine.

When Anneka is cranky it’s because she’s hungry or tired, or her tummy is upset. Or momentarily because she doesn’t get what she wants, but if the adults around her are joyful, she gets over it quickly.

I look into her face—that little face radiating joy and love—and I see the face of God.

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