5 Ways To Fit Exercise Into Your Busy Day As A Mom

It’s no secret to most that Moms have one of the hardest, most challenging jobs there is. Children are all-consuming, so even if you just have one, your whole mind and heart are both tied up with their wellbeing and not your own, often leaving your resources exhausted and wearing thin. On top of that, certain segments of society often respond to the overwhelmed Mom with the answer, “this is the way it’s supposed to be—you’re a Mom.”

Before and after I became a mother, I found this answer to be problematic. It is, unfortunately, often this way, whether it should be or not.

This is why I write about health, fitness, dreams, and more. You are worth investing in, Mom, because we need you. Please take care of you.

When I asked my network of Moms what kept them from daily fitness, one Mom said, “I would say [it is] overwhelm for me. Between writing work, and my part-time job, parenting, keeping up with Olivia’s school events and requirements, and trying to spend time with her, I get so mentally exhausted that I don’t prioritize exercise.” (Deidre Bennett).

This post isn’t about the benefits of exercise.  You probably already know you should exercise. Instead, here are five ways busy Moms can fit healthy, therapeutic movement into their already busy day.

Me proving that you don’t have to be at a yoga studio or even in yoga clothes to do yoga. Side plank tightens your obliques, an often-neglected part of your abs.

Dance Party with Your Kids

One of my Facebook followers sent me this idea.

“When I did daycare the kids and I would grab some scarves, put some kids music on, and dance. They always felt better, and so did I.”

I love it, Lisa Waldner! I’m all for anything that gets kids and Moms to work, play, and read together.

Live Fit App

This is my favorite go-to right now. At the beginning of this year, I was working out about four hours a week doing challenging Barre and Yoga Shred classes. I know I built some muscle, but in eight months, I lost about eight pounds. In the past eight weeks, I’ve been faithfully doing my little five-minute workouts (everything from HIIT to yoga) in this lovely little free app and I’ve lost eight more pounds in eight weeks.

Baby steps are often better than big ones.

Yoga—search “yoga in 10 minutes” on Youtube.

Sara Beth Yoga. Yoga with Adriene. These are two of my favorite youtube channels that offer premium content that is absolutely free. I also appreciate the fun-loving, genuine spirits of these two ladies. I think it’s easier for me to find power yoga routines and other intense workouts with Sara Beth Yoga, while Yoga with Adrienne is a beautiful, light-hearted tapestry of surprisingly therapeutic freedom flows and routines focused on specific problem areas. My husband loves the “yoga for back pain” that is under fifteen minutes on the Adriene channel. I try to do one of these videos once or twice a week.

Find A Class With Childcare

This fitness idea can work for those Moms who live in cities or towns that have such a thing as yoga with childcare. When I lived in Denver, my favorite was a place where a wonderful teacher took Anneka to one class while I went to another. It was fantastic for both of us.

Just Do It.

The final idea I have to share is just to do it. Just do five jumping jacks. One plank. Ten situps. Do one thing a day just before you get out of or into bed, or just after you get dressed or when you’ve had that first sip of heavenly coffee. After a week, layer it with one more. It’s easy to get started. The difficulty comes when we overthink it, overdo it, or overachieve it. My “five-minutes-a-day” routine is the best and longest workout streak I’ve had since my Bikram yoga days. Both have incredible value and I’ve learned to appreciate the seasons and styles in their own right.

What have I missed? What are you favorite ways to work a bit of exercise into your day? Do you have a favorite style? Has becoming a Mom made you want to be more or less healthy? Whatever the case, I dare you to dream about your own well-being again.

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