I took out my extensions

no extensions 1

Yup there they are.


Then I decided that the new longer pixie look would go with Sonia Kashuk Ultra Luxe Lipstick on Classic Red.


This was my pixie 6 weeks ago. (The flash lighting always brings out burgundies that the webcam does not).

modern pixie before and after rogaine

This is a progression. Wig to extensions to all my own natural hair. My own hair feels good.

Do I look like Ginnifer Goodwin? I wish!!

Ginnifer Goodwin Snow White

27 thoughts on “I took out my extensions

  1. I for one think that you look ADORABLE with this hairstyle. A pixie really suits you so well. I can see your beautiful face. Your eyes really pop.


    1. Thank you so much sweetie! You know all the kind comments (here and one facebook) are starting to win me over. I never seriously considered this haircut but I get so much positive feedback on this one. 🙂 That’s why I love my blog and facebook friends, they help me with big decisions! Thanks for your kind compliments.


      1. You are welcome.I find the same thing. When I feel down, my blog and FB friends help me through. Having just moved, I have no tangible friends nearby, so my online friends have become my buddies. And I truly love the hair on you. No lie. I love it when a girl can pull off short hair. I had a french bob for years. It shows that a girl doesn’t need to rely on all that hair to feel beautiful. And you don’t. You have the facial features to pull that cut off really well.


      2. I think that’s one of the nicest things anyone ever said about my appearance. I’ll come back and read this when I need a pick me up. I’d love to see your french bob!


      3. Send me your email. I’ll send you a pic. I was trying to look like Christina from that Burlesque number, “I Am a Good Girl.” Haha!


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